Скидки на обучение в INTO George Mason University с января 2018!
На первый подготовительный год обучения (Pathway) возможны максимальные скидки до $ 20000. Со скидкой стоимость обучения в INTO George Mason University (включая обучение, медицинскую страховку, книги, питание и проживание на кампусе) составит $ 43278 на Graduate Pathway (2 семестра) и $ 43282 на Undergraduate Pathway (2 семестра)!
Крайний срок подачи заявки в INTO GMU - 19 декабря.
George Mason University:
Расположен в г.Фейрфакс: 45 минут на метро до центра Вашингтона, D.C.!
#140 National Universities Ranking (U.S. News & World Report 2018)
#68 Top Public Schools in National Universities Ranking (U.S. News & World Report 2018)
#18 Most Innovative Schools (U.S. News & World Report 2016)
#33 - Health Care Management
#33 - Public Policy Analysis
#41 - Public Affairs
#41 - Best Law Schools
#44 – History
#54 - Best Nursing Schools
#62 - Best Education Schools
#67 - Computer Science
#78 - Economics
#104 - Best Engineering Schools
(U.S. News & World Report 2018)
Каждый поток UNDERGRADUATE pathways INTO George Mason University обеспечивает перевод сразу на второй курс по различным специализациям.
Undergraduate Pathway in Business: Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Operations Management, Management, Marketing.
Undergraduate Pathway in Engineering and Computing: Applied Computer Science, Bioengineering, Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Cyber Security Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Systems Engineering.
Undergraduate Pathway in Human and Social Development: Community Health; Health Administration; Health, Fitness, and Recreation Resources with Concentrations in Sport Management, with Parks and Outdoor Recreation, Therapeutic Recreation, or Kinesiology; Tourism and Events Management with Concentrations in Events Management, Hospitality Management, or Tourism Management; Conflict Analysis and Resolution; Social Work.
Undergraduate Pathway in Humanities and Social Sciences: Anthropology, Art History, Communication, English, Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Foreign Languages, Global Affairs, Government and International Politics, History, Latin American Studies, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Sociology, Undeclared; Criminology, Law, and Society; Economics; Integrative Studies; Psychology; Neuroscience; Music; Public Administration.
Undergraduate Pathway in Science:ведет Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Geology, Mathematics; Astronomy, Forensic Science, Geography, Medical Technology, Physics; Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Geology, Computational and Data Science.
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